MaherAl Baroudi

Maher Al Baroudi was born in Damascus (Syria) in 1955. He has lived and worked near Lyon (France) since 1980, Graduated from National Fine Art School of Damascus, Lyon and Paris.
He was a professor of sculpture at the Superior School “Emile Cohl” in Lyon from 1996 to 2022.
Al Baroudi has held 25 personal exhibitions and more than 65 collective exhibits, Since 1982. Salons, Biennales, Symposiums, etc.) in France, Germany, Russia, Poland, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, England, Syria, Lebanon, The United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Egypt, Kuwait, Tunisia.
- Paris Award in Lyon, French Foundation in Paris.
- First prize of painting in Saint Gregoire.
- First prize of the 10th Cairo International biennale, Egypt.
- Emmar International prize in Dubai.
Public Acquisitions
- National museum and Contemporary Art Museum of Damascus.
- Art Graphic Museum of Cairo, Open air museum of Aswan, Egypt.
- Many municipalities in France (Lyon, Saint Gregoire, Monthrison Grigny, Orlienas, Saint Claude, Givors, etc), Germany (Kleinenbreitenback) and Syria (Lattakia).
Private Acquisitions
- In Europe, North Africa, Middle East and the United States.
Short films
- 2005 – « Al Baroudi sculptor-painter » : presented by the Renaud fondation.
- Realised by Raymond Livrozet with the participation of J.J. Lerrant (journalist and art critic)
- 2011 – « 25 years of painting in Saint-Gregoire » : presented by the municipality of Saint-Gregoire. Realised by DMLG Production.
Masks II