Islam Zaher

(born in March 1972)
is a contemporary Egyptian artist. Zaher is born and raised in Cairo, Egypt. From an early age, Zaher showed a high interest in art and paintings, graduating from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Zamalek, Cairo, in 1994. Between 1995 and 1998, Zaher participated in several editions of the Youth Saloon, receiving several prizes, including the second prize of drawing in 1995 and two prizes in 1998, the Prize of the Jury and the International Critics Association (ICA) prize.
The artist participated in many local and international group shows, including 18 Artists from the Nineties Generation Show at the Jazirah Center of Arts, 1999; the Egyptian Culture Week in Sharjah, the UAE, 2000; and Eye on the West, 2007.
Zaher also held four solo shows: Out of Vacuum, Karim Francis Espace, 2005, Intuited Happiness, Karim Francis Espace, 2010; Pink and Lamentation, Misr Gallery, 2015, Remnants of Enchantment, Gypsum Gallery, 2017,”Octagon” -Group show- Gallery Misr,2018, Beirut Art Fair,2018,”Myths and Magic” -Group show- Founoun Art Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon,2018 – “Passive Constructions, Misr Gallery 2020
Head of the table (negative version)